Publisher: Adamant Press

Publication Date: January 1, 2025

Robot Wizard Zombie Crit! Stories: Volume One

To me, “robot” says “science fiction,” “wizard” says “fantasy,” “zombie” says “horror,” and “crit!” says “roleplaying games.” Together, they represent what the inside of my brain looks like, so I decided to call my newsletter Robot Wizard Zombie Crit! This anthology is a thank you to the people who subscribe to said newsletter, and it too is kind of a representation of the inside of my brain. When I pondered what kind of reward I could give people for subscribing, naturally I thought an anthology. But I wanted it to be something you could only get via the newsletter—and yet also represented what brought people to the newsletter. So I decided to collect together one story from each of my anthologies. Robot Wizard Zombie Crit! Stories: Volume One features 17 stories, one each taken from the pages of 17 of my anthologies. To get it, all you need to do is sign up for my newsletter—easy!

Robot Wizard Zombie Crit! Newsletter


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Keep up with John Joseph Adams' anthologies, Lightspeed, and Nightmare—as well as SF/F news and reviews, discussion of RPGs, and other fun stuff.

Delivered to your inbox once a week, starting January 2025. Subscribers get a free ebook anthology for signing up.