In a comment, SMD asked:
Do you know of any other large fantasy or science fiction conventions that would be really geared toward the literary side of fandom?
Depends on how large you mean when you say large. World Fantasy had about 1150 members this year (the largest in its history, actually, though there’s usually about 1000 attendees). Slightly smaller than that, but still really really good (and literary) are Readercon and Wiscon. (If you look through my archives on the blog here, you can find con reports for those two.)
I hear Boskone and Capclave are both really good in a similar way, but I haven’t been to either of those yet.
Other conventions I’ve been to that I like include Lunacon and Balticon; both have good literary programming, but they have a lot of other SFnal-related programming as well (so they’re not literary focused per se). Balticon the year I went had a large podcasting contingent, if you’re interested in that.
(It’s also worth noting that the year I went to Balticon, they had major guests like Gene Wolfe, Neil Gaiman, and Peter Beagle, but it kind of seemed like they were among the only 10 or so working writers who were actually there, and they didn’t seem approachable. Heck, I never even saw Neil Gaiman, except when he was on stage. Not sure if it’s always like that, but it’s probably because it’s the same weekend as Wiscon.)
And then of course there’s Worldcon, but I’m sure you knew of that one already. And that one’s certainly multimedia and doesn’t have as much of a focus on the literary side (though since it’s so big, it always has plenty, you just have to resign yourself to the fact that you’ll see people wearing costumes walking around).
I may be forgetting something. If I remember anything else, I’ll update this post. If anyone else wants to chime in with their recommendations, feel free!
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