Colbert Report Now Online?

On The Colbert Report last night, I swear Stephen said that you could now go to the all-new and watch every episode of the show (i.e. since episode #1). But for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to go back more than a week or two. Maybe it’s obvious to everyone but me.

Well, in any case, for those of you who don’t have cable, now you can watch new episodes every day for free online.

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Trivium & Metallica

Speaking of sound systems, what I’m currently listening to is the pre-release stream of Trivium’s new album Shogun, via their MySpace page. Two songs in, it sounds a like they’ve mostly returned to a more heavy style, in line with their first two albums, as opposed to the much lighter, Metallica-like style of The Crusade, but we’ll see how the rest of it turns out.

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Speaking of Metallica, their new album, Death Magnetic, is pretty solid. A lot of people have been calling it a return to form, but that phrase gets thrown around a lot, and I’m not sure it makes sense in this case. What’s the form they’re returning to? To me, that would mean that the new album is a return to the Metallica of And Justice for All… and the albums previous to that. Their sound changed subtly after that to The Black Album, then drastically on Load and Re-Load, both of which I hated at first, but grew to appreciate a bit later. St. Anger was decent, and Death Magnetic is a pretty good follow-up, but it’s in that modern Metallica mode, not a true return to form. “Unforgiven III” and “The Day That Never Comes” are probably my two favorite tracks, but there’s plenty of other good stuff on there as well, and no songs I actively hate. I was especially glad to see them include an instrumental track again, as their instrumentals have always been some of my favorites (though this one is not in the league of “Orion” or “Call of Ktulu”).

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Help Me Upgrade My PC Soundsystem

Can anyone recommend a good, affordable set of speakers for use with a PC? I’m not actually sure how important the speakers are vs. the soundcard, but my system currently doesn’t have much power to it—I can’t turn it up very loud, videos in particular are generally too quiet for me, even at max volume. I don’t often listen to music on my computer (I usually use my iPod, since iTunes causes my whole system to crawl if I try to play music with it), but I do occasionally listen to Pandora or an artist’s MySpace songs, etc. and I find that I can’t turn it up as loud as I’d like.

I can’t really tell what my current sound card is, it just says Creative SB Live Series (WDM), but I’m not sure if that’s a full description. My speakers are like $20 cheapies picked up at Office Depot.

So…any ideas what’s the best option for an upgrade here?

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Protest Without Words

I’ve mentioned the band Protest the Hero here a few times, naming them as one of my favorite bands. Well, I just discovered something that makes me like them even more.

Their latest album, Fortress, came out in January of this year, and it was awesome. But I recently discovered that they’ve made it even more awesome—there is now available a version of the album that has all the regular tracks, plus instrumental versions of all of the tracks, and it’s still the same price as the regular album. (Of course, I paid double, since I bought the album when it originally came out, which did not have the instrumental tracks.) Or, I’m assuming this is new anyway—I bought the CD version of the album, and this double album version seems to only be available via iTunes [link (opens iTunes)], so it could have been there all along as an iTunes exclusive.

In any case, the instrumental version of the album is equally awesome, and speaks highly of just how intricately crafted their songs are. I’d imagine that you couldn’t strip away the vocals of just any song and still have a “complete” song—it would seem like it’s missing something. Having listened to the with-vocals version many times myself, it’s harder for me to judge the instrumental version of Fortress purely—at first, to me, it did sound a bit like there was something missing, but after having listened to the instrumental version a couple times, I have to say, I’m not sure that anyone who wasn’t familiar with the vocal version would ever think that, and the more I listen, the more I think they work beautifully without the lyrics.

If you like metal at all, or you just really dig fancy guitar-work, I’d highly recommend picking up the instrumental version of the album. I don’t think you can listen to whole instrumental tracks anywhere online, so if you want to try before you buy, I’d suggest buying “Sequoia Throne”—it’s probably their best song with or without vocals.

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If you’d like to make a donation to support Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, and you’d like to score some free, autographed books at the same time, hop on over to

From the website:

So how do I get one of these books and help Obama at the same time?

It’s really quite simple. If you donate $250 or more to Barack Obama’s campaign through Ayelet’s MyBarackObama website, you will receive a mystery bag of 10 books, all in a canvas tote printed with the BOOKS FOR BARACK logo. The bags will be assembled randomly and tied closed so that no one — not even Ayelet — will know the contents of any specific bag. Your bag could contain a signed first edition copy of Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones, a signed first edition copy of Stephen King’s Hearts of Atlantis or a fine collection of poetry by a writer you’ve been waiting to discover.

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Watch New Film by Michael Moore for Free Online


Documentarian Michael Moore has a new film out called Slacker Uprising. Because it’s about voting, and here we are in presidential campaign season, Moore has made the film available online for free in its entirety. Go download it or stream it now!

Or first, go make sure you’re registered to vote, and if you’re not, go do that. Then go watch Moore’s new film. Unless you’re planning to vote for McCain, in which case, feel free to not register.






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Gratuitous Hoofbeats

You know, I would be totally okay with it if I never heard another metal song that included the sound of hoofbeats and/or the sound of clashing swords. I would also be okay with it if I never heard another one of those 30-45 second interludes consisting entirely of hoofbeats and/or clashing swords.

I’m just sayin’.

(Thankfully, since my iPod is my primary listening device, and I use playlists, I can just eliminate those interludes, and iTunes lets you alter the start time of a song, so if a track opens with gratuitous hoofbeats, I can make it start at the 25 second mark or whatever.)

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