Help: Email Forwarding

I’m hoping someone can answer a computer/email question I have that is puzzling me. I’ve been looking into the iPhone app, Readdle, because it will let me read RTF files on my iPhone. It doesn’t integrate with the iPhone, so I can’t just click on an RTF file and open it—but you can upload docs to the Readdle server and/or email attachments to a special email address and it will be added to Readdle. Since I’m reading electronic submissions for Federations, this should work great—I can just setup a Gmail filter to have all Federations submissions forwarded to my special Readdle email address. Easy, right? Sure, except it only works in theory. In practice, nothing gets forwarded to Readdle for some reason. Other filters like this that I’ve setup have worked fine (for instance, forwarding email from one account to another email account). However, I also tried forwarding email to Google Docs using this method and that doesn’t work either. In both cases, if I manually forward the email, it works—but I can’t get the auto-forwarding to work. Anyone know what gives?

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New Living Dead Reviews

A couple new reviews of The Living Dead:

SFF World: “To call this volume anything other than must have would be selling it short, the stories range a great number of years and capture many unique voices on one of the seminal images and iconic characters of Horror fiction and is something I know I’ll be pulling down every Halloween. This impressive, massive anthology would make a great gift to give by the light of the Jack o’ Lantern.”

SF Signal: “The zombie anthology for the new millennium.”

Fairfield Weekly: “A comprehensive collection on the subject and a joyful celebration of all things flesh-eating and re-animated.”

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Federations: Slight Guidelines Change

I’ve just slightly edited the submission instructions for Federations to ask that you send your stories in Microsoft Word (DOC) format rather than RTF format as originally specified. This is due to my recent acquisition of an iPhone, on which I plan to do a lot of the submission reading. The reason for the change is that the iPhone (strangely) lets me open up Word documents from my email, but not RTF. The easiest way to go through the submissions seems to be to simply open up each individual email, then open up the story file and read it that way, rather than downloading each individual file and transferring the document onto my iPhone some other way.

If anyone knows of a way (by downloading some application, for instance) of making my iPhone open up RTF docs as it opens Word docs, please let me know.

Note: If you’ve already submitted the story in RTF, there is no need to resubmit.

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The Living Dead named to PW’s “Best of the Year” list

Publishers Weekly has announced their 2008 Best Books of the Year, which includes The Living Dead. Here’s what they said:

“The Living Dead, Edited by John Joseph Adams: This superb reprint anthology runs the gamut of zombie stories, with entries by a plethora of renowned and outstanding authors from all sides of the genre.

This honor was extended to only 7 books in the “SF/Fantasy/Horror” genre. See PW’s website for the complete list, including non-genre bests.

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World Fantasy Convention 2008

I’m flying out to Calgary today for the World Fantasy Convention.

On Friday @ 12PM, there will be a reading for The Living Dead, featuring George R. R. Martin, Catherine Cheek, Darrell Schweitzer, Nina Kirki Hoffman, and Nancy Kilpatrick.

On Saturday @ 1PM, I’ll be on the panel “What A Good Anthology Does & Why It Matters",” along with Gary A. Braunbeck and Darrell Schweitzer.

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World Fantasy Convention 2008

I’m flying out to Calgary today for the World Fantasy Convention.

On Friday @ 12PM, there will be a reading for The Living Dead, featuring George R. R. Martin, Catherine Cheek, Darrell Schweitzer, Nina Kirki Hoffman, and Nancy Kilpatrick.

On Saturday @ 1PM, I’ll be on the panel “What A Good Anthology Does & Why It Matters",” along with Gary A. Braunbeck and Darrell Schweitzer.

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