How to Determine Your PC’s Specfications and Other Mysteries — Solved

Have you ever tried to figure out what kind of RAM you need to buy for your PC, or anything else about the specifications of your machine? I can never seem to figure out how to do it, and always turn to computer geek friends for assistance. One of my geeks referred me to this cool program called Belarc Advisor.

From the Belarc website:

The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, including Microsoft Hotfixes, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

Detailed is right. It tells you all the basics, such as how much RAM you have installed (and what type and how many slots your case has available for expansion), your processor speed, etc., along with all the really geeky stuff that you and I don’t understand (but your geek will). What’s really handy is that you can just save the data as an HTML file and email it to your geek so he can advise you. Neat! Plus, it’s freeware, so the price is right.

So I think the program’s pretty useful, but you’d think there would be a standard system utility on your computer that would tell you this stuff.

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iPod Amnesia

This is how See Jane Run by Joy Fielding begins:

One afternoon in late spring, Jane Whittaker went to the store for some milk and some eggs and forgot who she was.

Today (an afternoon in mid-spring), I went to the store for some milk and some eggs (and other stuff) and my iPod forgot who it was.

Or, more precisely, it seemed to forget all that stuff that was supposed to be stored in its memory, namely, my songs. In the middle of a song, out of the blue, it just locked up. I reset it, but after it cycled, it didn’t return to the main menu. Instead, a little file icon appeared along with some icons indicating some confusion on iPod’s part (which I can certainly understand; I was confused too). Thankfully, when iPod and I returned home, syncing him with iTunes restored iPod’s memory, though it remains to be seen whether iPod actually *lost* all his memory, or if he just couldn’t figure out how to access it.

I guess I should be grateful that it only happened while I was at the store, and not while I was in the first hour of a long road trip.

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What is Your World View?

You scored as Materialist. Materialism stresses the essence of fundamental particles. Everything that exists is purely physical matter and there is no special force that holds life together. You believe that anything can be explained by breaking it up into its pieces. i.e. the big picture can be understood by its smaller elements.









Cultural Creative








What is Your World View?
created with

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Musicality Meme

1. The person (or persons) who passed the baton to you.
Tim Pratt (via his blog)

2. Total volume of music files on your computer.
2034 songs, 10.2 days, 12.33 gigabytes. That includes some audiobooks, and doesn’t include some audiobooks that I don’t have stored in iTunes because there’s no room for them on my iPod.

3. The title and artist of the last CD you bought.
Mezmerize by System of a Down [listen]

4. Song playing at the moment of writing.
“Sweet Relief” by The Haunted, from rEVOLVEr [listen to other songs]

5. Five songs you have been listening to of late (or all-time favorites, or particularly personally meaningful songs). (I’ll go with “recently”)

1. Monster by STEMM, from their demo [download it]

2. Sworn by Trivium, from their demo [listen to other songs]

3. Black Hearts Now Reign by Unearth, from The Oncoming Storm [listen with the flash player]

4. Therein by Dark Tranquillity, from Projector [download it]

5. Bleeding Mascara by Atreyu, from The Curse [listen to other songs]

6. The five victims to whom you will ‘pass the musical baton.’

You. The first five of you who read this. Do it!

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AIM Remote

If you’re reading this, you probably noticed that I added one of those AIM Remotes to the banner at the top of the blog. See, when I added it, I thought that the Remote would tell you when I was online and open to chatting. Well, I guess it does do that, but it always says I’m online. Even when I’m not. So what’s the point?

Just wanted to point out that it’s there, and that I’m not actually online all the time as it says I am. But if you add me to an AIM buddy list and I pop online, you should feel free to IM me if you like.

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The Family Guy

So, I was watching The Family Guy today. It’s mostly funny. A few times each episode it seems like it’s trying to hard. Overall: amusing. But someone answer me this:

(1) Why is that damn baby so smart?


(2) Why is that damn dog so smart?


(3) Why doesn’t anyone notice that that damn baby and dog are so smart?

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Humor from The Chicago Manual of Style

Being an editor, and aspiring to get some copyediting jobs eventually, I’ve become familiar with a number of style manuals, The Chicago Manual of Style being one of them. Unfortunatley, since they want to continue selling the book and making money, they have thus far refused to make an electronic edition of the book, even though such a thing would be infinitely more easy to search.

However, since they realize that this is an issue, they’ve made their website searchable, so that you can input queries which will return with the section and subsection of the hardcopy; with this information in hand, you can go to the appropriate section and find the rule you were looking for.

All this is a rather long-winded way of me explaining how and why I’m on the CMS’s mailing list, which includes a regular (monthly?) Q&A update. One of the Q&As this month made me laugh out loud when I read it, so I thought I’d share it.

Q. What is the rule about using a product or company name that implies the type of product to avoid redundant words, for example, Fred’s Bakery bakery products are the best in town? What is the justification for not including the adjective for products (bakery)?

A. The justification is that that would be silly.

[Read the rest of the Q&A]

But perhaps most amusing of all… The Chicago Manual of Style editors have senses of humor? Who knew!

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Leetspeak and The Anti-1337 Manifesto

A friend of mine sent me a link via email the other day, instructing me to go check out a particular site, saying “This is leet.” He was using “leet” ironically, and I realized this, but I was bored and though I already knew what the term meant thanks to a story written by another friend, I decided to look up the term on Wikipedia. I figured there’d be a short description of the term and a brief history of it. But what I found instead was one of the longest, most comprehensive entries I’ve ever stumbled across in the ‘pedia. The leet entry begins thusly:

Leet (most commonly 1337 but often also leetspeak, l33t5p34k, 133t, or l33t) from the phonetic form of the word “elite”, is a cipher, or novel form of English spelling. It is characterized by the use of non-alphabetic characters to stand for letters bearing a superficial resemblance, and by a number of spelling changes such as the substitution of “z” for final “s” and “x” for “(c)k” or “(c)ks.” Leetspeak was first traditionally used on bulletin board systems and then later adopted by America Online users and other Internet communities.

However, leetspeak is not popular amongst all hackers, and nowadays is most commonly used in an ironic manner to represent immaturity. Many consider it a pointless affectation, and as it has become widely used it is less useful as a way of showing membership of an “elite” group. It is nonetheless a cultural phenomenon well-known amongst hackers and many other Internet users. [more…]

In response to this phenomenon (or plague, depending on how you look at it), is The Anti-1337 Manifesto:

Over the years, I have had to put up with people in chatrooms, posters on message boards, people on instant messengers, even people at my school, using 1337 in their everyday lives. It is permeating every branch of society. It is giving our great American nation (and every other nation with 31337ists) a bad name. I have put up with it long enough, and now it’s time to take a stand. Someone must bring the horrors of 1337 and 31337ists to light. That someone is me. [more…]

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Bromfield v. F&SF and Other Flame Wars

The recent flame war on the F&SF message board got me thinking about how to refer to a specific flame war. I decided that it would be best (or at least most amusing) to refer to them as if they were court cases, which is fun, and also convenient if one wanted to cite something from the text when participating in a new flame war, as if citing case law.

For example, this recent flame war would be:

Bromfield v. F&SF, (2005)

So rather than retread the same topics over and over, flame warriors could develop a sort of shorthand to argue their cases: “Ah, but see, that’s where you’re wrong. In post 73633 of Bromfield v. F&SF, Nick Mamatas said…”

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