Small Beer Press Super Sale

Small Beer Press is having a huge sale.

March is Small Press Month and it’s time to move some books and make space for the new titles. (Must make warehouse space, must pay printers!)

There are only so many of these deals available, so get them while they’re hot and all that. Good reading at unbeatable prices.

Go buy. There’s lots of good stuff. May I recommend the “Get a Massive Box of Books” option? It includes: The Mount, Carmen Dog, Report to the Men’s Club, Travel Light, Mockingbird, Perfect Circle, Trampoline: an anthology, Kalpa Imperial, Meet Me in the Moon Room–9 good books: Only $59.

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Issue 2 of Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show is now available!

Stories include:

In the Eyes of the Empress’s Cat by Brad Beaulieu

The Yazoo Queen
by Orson Scott Card

Salt of Judas
by Eric James Stone

The Mooncalfe
by David Farland

by Ty Franck

I Am the Queen by William Saxton

by Al Sarrantonio

Audio Bonus: Middle Woman by Orson Scott Card – Read by Mary Robinette Kowal

Special Software Bonus:

I-Wei’s Amazing Clocks


From the Ender Saga – Pretty Boy – The story of Bonito Madrid by Orson Scott Card


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Feb. 2006 Acquisitions

New this month: a tale of religious fervor by Daryl Gregory; two pieces on luck from two Michaels: one from Kandel, the other from Libling; a stunning Cambodian modern day fantasy from Geoff Ryman; post-apocalyptica from Carol Emshwiller; some ghostly Hollywood humor from Ron Goulart; and John Morressy revisits the O’Farrisseys.

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Slush Annoyance of the Day: 2/28/06

I just witnessed the most obnoxious slush submission EVER. Someone sent us a letter informing us of the impending arrival of his brilliant new story, along with a bunch of quotes from people he knows that say how good it is. But the best (or worst) part about the submission is that it was full of red, white, and blue stars, which got all over the place when I opened the envelope. And to make things worse, they’re made of some material that’s very static-clingy, so they’re very difficult to pick up and/or brush off your hands.

Advice: DON’T DO THIS.

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DVD Column: Title Found!

And the winner is… well, there is no true winner. I decided to go with something of my own. But here are my top five favorite suggestions:

  1. JeremyT: The Take-Em-Home Moving Pictures Nickel Revue
  2. Kelly Brown: Reel Strong Medicine: DVDs To Ease The Long Road
  3. Rob B.: The Reel Elixir
  4. Dr. Phil: The Amazing Elixir Vitae Of Doctor John Joseph Adams, D.V.D.
  5. Scott: Adams‘ Amazing Zoopraxiscope

#5 is more of an honorable mention–it wasn’t really one of my favorites, but I’ll tell you why it’s up there.  I liked the way he was combining Zoetrope and Praxiscope, and that sent me off googling archaic movie projectors and the like, which led me to my column title. 

All five finalists will receive a prize even though I didn’t end up using their entry. 

The title I chose is: “Laterna Magica.”  I offered this up to Orson Scott Card, and he liked it, but suggested that “Magick Lanthorn” might be more immediately accessible to readers.  In case you don’t know, here’s a definition: “a small optick machine, by means of which are represented on an opposite wall in an obscure place, many monstrous and hideous shapes terrifying to the beholder; and which, by those who are ignorant of the device, are thought to be effected by magick.”  (And here’s another, more complex definition.)

I’m undecided on which is better.  Perhaps a poll will help me decide.  Look for one in the extended entry.


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Subterranean Press Sale

Subterranean Press is having a sale:

We’ve decided to clear some space, pay the taxes and a few vet bills, and let readers in on some great reading at unbelievable prices. Here’s the deal. Not everything is marked sale in our online store, but a ton of items are. Forthcoming and in-stock titles are included. There are a few rules, of course, but not too many:

1. You must order at least four SALE books to qualify for the 40% discount.
2. Limit one copy of each SALE title.
3. Books not marked SALE are at regular price.
4. Regular shipping charges apply.
5. Not valid with other coupons, offers, or savings certificates.

That’s it. This sale won’t last long — we’ll pull it in the next day or two, so have at it.

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