NEWS: Nebula Awards Nomination Period Now Open + Free Stuff for SFWA Members
This year’s Nebula Awards nomination period is now open.
From November 15 to February 15, Active and Associate SFWA members may submit nominations for the Nebula Awards. Nominations may be submitted through the online ballot, available here. For more information, visit SFWA’s How to Vote page.
To assist you in finding material to nominate, I’ve assembled this post to list everything that I worked on in 2015.
- Most of Lightspeed‘s original fiction from 2015 is available online (and also much of the 2015 original fiction is available as a podcast). If you are a SFWA member, you can also download an ebook (epub/mobi/pdf) compilation of all 2015’s original material from the SFWA forums.
- Most of Nightmare‘s original fiction from 2015 is available online (and also much of the 2015 original fiction is available as a podcast). If you are a SFWA member, you can also download an ebook (epub/mobi/pdf) compilation of all 2015’s original material from the SFWA forums.
- Selected stories from Fantasy’s Queers Destroy Fantasy! Special Issue are available online. If you are a SFWA member, you can also download an ebook (epub/mobi/pdf) of the special issue. (Queers Destroy Science Fiction! and Queers Destroy Horror! are included in the aforementioned Lightspeed and Nightmare compilations, respectively.)
- Selected stories from The End Has Come are available online. If you are a SFWA member, you can also download an ebook (epub/mobi/pdf) of the anthology.
- Selected stories from Press Start to Play are available online. If you are a SFWA member, you can also download all of the original stories from the anthology in doc/rtf format.
- Selected stories from Operation Arcana are available online. If you are a SFWA member, you can also download an ebook (epub/mobi/pdf) of the anthology.
After the jump, you’ll find lists of all of the 2015 eligible stories/authors that either appeared in Lightspeed or Nightmare, or in projects I’m otherwise affiliated with.
Novellas, Novelettes, & Short Stories
To aid you in sorting through the voting categories, I’ve color-coded the stories in the following spreadsheets (Novelette: blue | Short Story: black). They’re also all sorted by word count, longest to shortest.