NEWS: I’m at Nebula Awards Weekend in Chicago
I’m in Chicago for Nebula Awards Weekend. Here’s the panels and such I’ll be participating on, including one off-site at Geek Bar Chicago that doesn’t require being a member of Nebula Awards Weekend.
Thursday 3:00-4:00
Making the Title Fit the Story
Titles need to fit the story, but they also need to be catchy and unique. The panelists will talk about how they find titles and what you should know about creating them.
Panelists: John Joseph Adams, Usman Malik, Stanley Schmidt, Rachel Swirsky
Salon 9
Friday 8:00-9:30
Mass Autographing [see attendees]
Exhibit Hall, (Fourth Floor)
Saturday 2:00-5:00 (I’ll have to leave around 3:30)
Tor Drinkup @ Geek Bar Chicago [info]
Come hang out with me and other Tor Books authors and editors at Geek Bar Chicago. See link above or flyer below for more information.
Saturday 4:00-5:00
Editing Diversity
Editors talk about the importance of a balanced table of contents, both in terms of content creators and the protagonists of the story.
Panelists: John Joseph Adams, Mary Anne Mohanraj, Joe Monti (M), Michael Thomas, Sheila Williams
Salon 8