Codex Q&A: Will you forgive me for every terrible story I’ve sent to Lightspeed?
In July 2013, I served as the “editor-in-residence” for the Codex Writing Group, which meant basically I was asking a month-long AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) interview. With Codex’s permission, I’m re-posting the Q&As here on my blog. The questions were all provided by members of Codex.
Your publication has quickly become my favorite sf/f venue and I join the chorus of admiration here for your efficiency and professionalism.
All I really want to ask is your forgiveness for every terrible story I’ve ever sent to Lightspeed. Hopefully I will repay your efforts with one worthy of your time at some point — I’ve got a few pro sales under my belt now, so I’m optimistic that I’m slowly emerging from the category of “hopeless aspirant” (grin).
Anyway, thanks again for the magic you work with Lightspeed, and of course for stopping by here!
You are forgiven, my son. Go with Crom.
From October 1 – October 31, I’ll be running a Kickstarter campaign for a new project called HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY!!!, an anthology of improbable, futuristic, magical, & alternate-world crowdfunding projects. Please check it out, consider backing it, and, if you’re so inclined, spread the word!