Codex Q&A: When working with different editors, do you find the experiences to be different or similar?
In July 2013, I served as the “editor-in-residence” for the Codex Writing Group, which meant basically I was asking a month-long AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) interview. With Codex’s permission, I’m re-posting the Q&As here on my blog. The questions were all provided by members of Codex.
Douglas Cohen: You’ve had a chance to co-edit anthologies with two different people, one being myself, on Oz Reimagined and the other being Daniel H. Wilson, on your forthcoming Robot Uprisings anthology. Obviously the content for these two projects could not be more different (except for that one Oz story with the cyborg, I guess), but in terms of working with another editor, did you find these two experiences to be completely different or more or less the same?
It was more or less the same. You and I worked together really well, and the same was true of Daniel and I. With Daniel, I wasn’t sure at first how involved he’d want to be as an editor; I figured that he would want to mostly just consult on author invitations and would want to weigh in on acceptances/rejections, etc. I figured his primary contribution, really, would be advising the authors on robot science since he’s a professional roboticist. But he ended up being a full partner on the project, and he basically did everything I did on the book. (I think the only thing he didn’t do that I did was sending out the contracts and payments, just because it was easier for one person to do that.) Also, Daniel and I agreed editorially about pretty much everything–I think we had one or two minor disagreements on the merits of stories–so it was a very smooth collaboration.
From October 1 – October 31, I’ll be running a Kickstarter campaign for a new project called HELP FUND MY ROBOT ARMY!!!, an anthology of improbable, futuristic, magical, & alternate-world crowdfunding projects. Please check it out, consider backing it, and, if you’re so inclined, spread the word!