FOGcon Schedule

I’ll be attending FOGcon this weekend (March 30 – April 1), which takes place in the San Francisco area. Here’s my convention schedule:

Saturday    10:30 a.m.    Reading
I’ll be reading from my new anthology, ARMORED.

Saturday    4:30 p.m.    You Are Not Your Rejection Slips
Learn techniques for coping with the inevitable ups and downs of a writing career. How can you maintain a sense of self-worth after a hundred rejection slips? How do you handle the feelings of being simultaneously the most brilliant writer ever and the biggest pile of s*** in the field?

Sunday    10:30 a.m.    Anthology Pitch-a-Thon
Editors with anthologies will sit on the panel, and describe their books-to-be, along with the hopes and fears of the slush pile; the audience will bounce ideas off the editors, ask questions, and learn about how each panelist makes their selections.