I’ll be attending CapClave next weekend, Oct. 16-18, in Rockville, MD (near Washington, DC).
Two stories from my anthology Seeds of Change (“Spider the Artist” by Nnedi Okorafor and “Drinking Problem” by K.D. Wentworth) are nominated for the Washington Science Fiction Association’s Small Press Award, which is presented at CapClave.
Here are the program items I’ll be participating in:
Sat 1pm Montrose – New writers
Participants: Larry Hodges (m), John Joseph Adams, John Betancourt, Tad Daley, Scott Edelman, Shelia Williams
How did you get started in the field? How are you shaping your career? What advice would you give new writers?
Sat 5pm Montrose – New Media
Participants: Barbara Krasnoff (m), John Joseph Adams, John Andrews, Davey Beauchamp, Neil ClarkeWebcomics. Manga. YouTube videos. Pseudo- blogs (fiction in blog format). Twitter fiction. Podcasts. What are they? How do they work? How can I get them? How can I get involved? What’s worth the audience’s time?
Sat 9pm Plaza – Small Press Award
Participants: WSFA and the nomineesWho will win the annual WSFA small press award? Come and see. Celebrate with cake.
Sun 10am Montrose – The Editors Panel
Participants: Neil Clarke (m), John Joseph Adams, Christopher M. Cevasco, George Scithers, Ted White, Shelia WilliamsWhat do editors look for? What trends are they seeing? What do they want to see in manuscripts? Do editors still work with writers and if so how?
Sun 3pm Montrose – Podcasting
Participants: Nobilis Reed (m), John Joseph Adams, Davey BeauchampWhat is podcasting? How can authors and readers make use of it? What podcasts would interest SF fans?
Sunday 11am (Dealer’s Room?) – Autographing
John Joseph Adams
Additionally, Prime Books (publisher of my anthologies Federations and Seeds of Change) will be having a party at some point during the convention, it looks like it’s going to be Saturday night. I’ll be helping out with that and likely present the whole party. When more information is available about that, I’ll post it here on the blog.