Twitter: Days 4, 5 & 6
- johnjosephadams: @2muchexposition it was, and I was! Actually the show let out right around then, so we were probably within a block or two of each other.
- johnjosephadams: @JeremiahTolbert Dude those people are fucking crazy. You rock, that story rocks, and that’s all there is to it. My yeti agrees.
- johnjosephadams: @lingtm I don’t understand why anyone would cast Tom Cruise in a samurai movie. Don’t try to understand it. Go watch Throne of Blood instead
- johnjosephadams: @diminutivetiger What’s it like in there?
- johnjosephadams: is readin ur slush pile, rejectin ur stories.
- johnjosephadams: just read a cover letter: ‘ms. not needed back. Just send money.’ Which prompted a pffft! from me.
- johnjosephadams: : after reading a story that stupid I need a break. Luckily it’s lunchtime.
- johnjosephadams: @JeremiahTolbert Awesome! Stress-be-Gone! Health insurance, here you come.
- johnjosephadams: @JeremiahTolbert Hearing that makes me want to go torrent some magic.
- johnjosephadams: is going to lunch with Ellen Datlow and other genre illuminaries.
- johnjosephadams: @lingtm Ellen wants to know if you’re going to worldcon or world fantasy.
- johnjosephadams: @JeremiahTolbert Check out Eluveitie. They’re made of awesome.
- johnjosephadams: So far the day has consisted of me being paid to eat lunch. Damn it, now I have to do work.
- johnjosephadams: is spending a lot of time on the jitney today. Back into manhattan for movie night @ Rob’s for Gattaca screening.
- johnjosephadams: @timpratt So happy to hear that!
- johnjosephadams: @IreneGallo How can you distinguish it from all the rotting flesh?
- johnjosephadams: just watched Gattaca (again) then engaged in some intellectual discussion about it with pals. Ain’t being a geek in NYC grand?