Cover update & blurb!
Note the slight update to the Seeds of Change cover. On Sean Wallace’s blog, Patrick Nielsen Hayden rightly pointed out that my last name looked a lot like ROAMS instead of ADAMS in that font. So Stephen Segal tweaked the design to make my name more clear (by changing it from capital letters to lowercase).
Also, you might note the nice blurb provided by Robert J. Sawyer, which says "A first-rate anthology of provocative stories." Which was redacted down from:
"Isaac Asimov said science fiction is the branch of literature that deals with the responses of human beings to changes in science and technology. His definition put humans in a reactive role, and essentially had science and technology changing on their own. But we can also be proactive, actively making the future what we want — or what we dread. A first-rate anthology of provocative and disturbing stories gathered by the always reliable John Joseph Adams." — Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of HOMINIDS
That means a lot to me, especially coming from Rob Sawyer. I’ve been a big fan of his for a long time–really ever since I seriously got interested in science fiction.