A new, more commercial imprint from Subterranean, that “focuses on popularly priced trade paperbacks and hardcovers, with distribution in the chain and independent bookstores”.
It’s the end of the world as we know it…and I feel fine BECAUSE I NOW HAVE THIS WONDERFUL SURVIVAL GUIDE!!
Take that, Margaret Atwood! (Lessing writes SF.)
“However, American literary critic [asshole] Harold Bloom called the academy’s decision ‘pure political correctness.’ ‘Although Ms. Lessing at the beginning of her writing career had a few admirable qualities, I find her work for the past
Another response to the Stephen King essay
Colbert Report producer Emily Lazar sheds some light on the choosing of Stephen’s guests.
“When a whale dies, an entire ecosystem blossoms in its corpse. […] I see no beauty in death. […] I want my death, when it comes, if it comes […] to be as beautiful and as generative as a whale fall.”
Lessing is not the first writer of SF to win the Nobel Prize — look over the list and see if you can find other writers who have written SF or fantasy.
“From the editor’s perspective, a closed anthology simplifies the workload immensely. Editors are first and foremost in the business of producing their markets. Easier workload means getting the book/magazine/what have you out the door with less effort ex
He was planning to eat her liver with some Calva beans and a nice chianti…
A new broadband SF network. Lots of interesting content there, including Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere miniseries (in November).
Interesting article about zombie films.
Another, more recent article on zombie films. More interesting analysis.
Man, have I been dying for a program that does this! At last! You can move your open programs around on the frigging taskbar! Drag and drop!