A Much-Less Delayed Than Usual Con Report: Readercon ’07
So, back from Readercon. Had a lovely time. Saw lots of old friends. Met lots of new ones. Avoided running into enemies, but possibly made some new ones. Did typical con activities. Some highlights:
- Attended first Kaffeklatch. Was disappointed that there was no Kaffee.
- Prior to hosting first Kaffeklatch, dubbed it “Klatch of the Titans,” then retitled it “Klatch of the Titan,” since there was only one of me.
- Hosted first Kaffeklatch. Infuriated that there was no fucking Kaffee.
- Took Kaffeeklatch attendees to dinner at Korean BBQ place due to extreme lack of Kaffee and extreme desire for food
- Discovered Kaffee in Con Suite and Green Room. Felt better.
And here are some non-Kaffee-related highlights:
- Saw with my own eyes, and touched with my own hand, the fabulous, the spiffy, the astounding Kowal Portable Typewriter and Adding Machine, which I’d previously seen on Mary Robinette Kowal’s blog (and subsequently on Boing-Boing)
- Chatting with Wastelands‘ publisher Jason Williams
- Listening to Gary K. Wolfe of Locus discuss the interesting life of Cordwainer Smith
- Dinner with Sean Wallace and Stephen Segal of Wildside Press/Prime Books at a restaurant with an animatronic moose
- Having Elizabeth Bear write me a rejection haiku on her autographing name tent, in essence creating for me a 1 of 1 limited edition poetry chapbook
- The haiku, “Slush Haiku in the Style of JJA,” reads: Thank you for your submission / But I am afraid / Your story “did not grab me.”
- The phrase (spoken with orgasmic glee): “Oh, Mr. Gernsback!”
- The Traveler Book Restaurant, where I got not only free books, but also some kick-ass pizza as well
- Getting a review copy of RADIO FREEFALL by Matt Jarpe hand-delivered
- Hanging out in the bar with Paolo Bacigalupi and others
No doubt there were many more excellent things that happened, and apologies here if I didn’t drop your name, but it’s getting late and I have to work tomorrow. Can’t be falling asleep when I’m supposed to be reading slush.
Oh, and one other thing: At the con, I also llearned that I can now announce that I’ll be editing an original SF anthology for Prime. More details on that soon!