SF Auction
To raise money for his impending relocation to England, where he intends to take up a secondary career as a housesitter, F&SF author Matthew Hughes is auctioning off some items that may be of interest to collectors. He’s going to hold a number of auctions over the next few weeks. First up:
Lot 1 — Fools Errant hardcover: this is the original 1994 Maxwell Macmillan Canada edition, signed, in near mint condition — it’s unread but it’s been moved around from time to time — and dust-jacketed. Only 750 copies were printed, and most of them went to Canadian libraries.
Lot 2 — Black Brillion proof: this is a Advanced Reading Copy paperback, with no artwork on the cover, signed, in mint condition.
Lot 3 — Magazines: a complete set of my magazine appearances from recent years. In total, there are twenty-one stories, sixteen from F&SF, Two from Asimov’s, two from Postscripts, and one from Interzone. Each story is signed on the page where it starts. As a bonus for completists, I’ll also throw in signed copies of my two stories in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine and a Czech and Russian edition of F&SF with a couple of my pieces.
For each of the three lots, e-mail a bid to mhughes[at]mars.ark.com, and put AUCTION and the LOT NUMBER in the subject line. I’ll post the latest bids (assuming they keep coming in) daily, or more often if there’s a lot of action. There will be no time limit (I’m not Ebay); when bids stop coming, I’ll sell to the highest. There will also be shipping costs.
For more information, visit Matt’s web site at http://www.archonate.com.