Dog Day
So I went down to the local animal shelter today to look for a dog. I found one there that I like–if I was thinking, I would have brought my camera to take a photo of him–but I had to fill out an application, and now I have to wait to hear back from the shelter. Assuming I’m approved (and why wouldn’t I be?), I’ll probably have my new dog this weekend.
I’ll take photos and pass along some details about him once I get him (because why tell you about a dog that I might not get?). The reason I’m posting now is that this particular dog was a stray, and has no name, so I’m pondering what I might call him. I’d like to go with something literary and/or geeky, because, well, that’s the kind of person I am.
Here are some possibilities I’ve thought of:
(1) Gully Foyle (The Stars My Destination)
(2) Montag (Fahrenheit 451)
(3) Algernon (after the mouse in “Flowers for Algernon”)
(4) Offog (“Alamagoosa”)
(5) Zombie (after, you know, zombies, though this was inspired by the pet named Zombie in Scott Westerfeld’s The Last Days)
(6) Montressor (“The Cask of Amontillado”; so I can say “For the love of God, Montressor!” when he does something bad)
(7) Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
(8) Fezzik (The Princess Bride)
(9) Pirate, or The Dread Pirate Roberts (and we’d call him Pirate for short)
What do you think? Any recommendations?