Dave Schwartz has set up a blog called the ED SF Project, in which he invites people to drop by and write an appreciation of one of the many stories SCI FICTION has published over the years. It’s first come, first serve, so get over there post-haste to claim your favorite SCI FICTION story and write up a nice tribute.
In Dave’s words:
By my count there are 320+ stories archived at the site. I’m willing to bet that there are that many SF writers/critics/fans/what have you who have some sort of presence on the web. So I’m thinking, let’s all of us write an appreciation of one of the stories.
It doesn’t need to be something long — it could be a few paragraphs, or it could be in-depth; it could be a critical analysis or just a reaction to the story. Just something that focuses on the fiction and shows how much impact the site has had. Remember, this is an appreciation. A celebration. Pick a story you love, or discover a new one by reading through the archives. Discover for yourself just what we’re losing. Then let’s give it the best sendoff possible.
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