Link Roundup
I’ve been meaning to post on a number of topics recently and have been continually forgetting to do so, so…
(1) Deanna Hoak posted some interesting thoughts about her copyediting process.
(2) David Barr Kirtley has some of his short fiction up at Fictionwise now, which I recommend you all go purchase right away. In particular, I recommend “The Black Bird” and “Seeds-for-Brains.” And if you’re a SFWA member, you can read what I think is his best story, “Veil of Ignorance” here.
(3) Speaking of short stories, go read Tobias S. Buckell’s new short in Nature.
(4) I’ve been doing some transcribing for Ellen Datlow for SCI FICTION’s classics. I recently transcribed “Under the Hollywood Sign” by Tom Reamy, “The Water Sculptor” by George Zebrowski, and “Painwise” by James Tiptree, Jr. Go read. Not that it matters that I did the transcribing, but it makes me feel special to point this out.
(5) Tim Pratt had a scary encounter with a road-rager with a gun on the highway. Read the harrowing account here.