Writer’s Market
Some of you may have gotten your start with writing markets, as I did, with a copy of the Writer’s Market. If you did, then you were probably a clueless newbie when you picked it up, and remained a clueless newbie for a while afterward…until you got around to picking up a copy of each of those mysterious magazines and started reading them, and got to really know what you were doing.
Well, in an effort to make the newbies pawing through WM a little less clueless after reading it, the editors have lately been including a bunch of informative articles along with the market listings.
The reason I mention all this is that I may be doing some writing for them, for the 2007 edition of the Novel and Short Story Writer’s Market. Now, I don’t bring that up here to brag; instead, I mention it to see if anyone has any ideas for the sort of articles you might like to see in such a book, or the sort of articles that you wish you had seen when you first were starting out.
There are many writers already associated with the book, so many of the general writing type of articles are already spoken for. But I’m being brought in specifically as an expert in SF, so SF-specific articles are more of what I’m interested in. I have my own ideas, of course, but I’d be interested in hearing what you, my dear readers, think. After all, you guys are more the audience for this book than I am, so you’re the people to ask.