Wiscon 2010
I’ll be attending Wiscon this year, held in Madison, WI, May 27-31.
Here’s my programming slate:
Apocalypse Jeopardy: Fiddling While the Sun Burns Out
Fri, 4:00–5:15 pm – Senate A
Jesse the K (M), John Joseph Adams, Erin Cashier, J J Pionke
Do you prefer ice or fire? Home–front or front–line? Famine or war? Zombies or aliens? If you can answer these important questions, you’re ready to play Apocalypse Jeopardy! Come on down for the lead up, the bangs and whimpers, and the slow crawl back to civilization.
A Field Guide to Editors
Sat, 2:30–3:45 pm – Conference 4
Patrick Rothfuss (M), John Joseph Adams, Kelly McCullough, John O’Neill, Deb Taber
Most stories, books, and articles we read are edited, but how many of us know what an editor actually does? Our crack panel of editors will explain the ABCs, then regale us with tales wond’rous and awful from their careers.
Lightspeed Magazine Launch Event
Sat, 10:30–11:45 pm – Conference 2
John Joseph Adams, Vylar Kaftan, Alice Sola Kim, Cat T. Rambo, Genevieve Valentine
Join us to celebrate the launch of Lightspeed Magazine (www.lightspeedmagazine.com), a new online science fiction magazine published by Prime Books (publisher of Fantasy Magazine). Lightspeed editors John Joseph Adams and Andrea Kail, along with publisher Sean Wallace, will be on hand to discuss this exciting new venture, and will present readings by the authors.
The Sign Out
Mon, 11:30 am–12:45 pm – Capitol/Wisconsin
Come and sign your works, come and get things signed, come and hang out and wind down before you leave.