My Worldcon Schedule, or Where You Can Meet and Stalk John Joseph Adams from August 6-10
For those of my fans and/or stalkers in the Montreal area, and others planning to attend Worldcon, here’s my programming schedule:
When: Thu 12:30
Location: P-511BE
Title: I Read the News Today
Session ID: 176
All Participants: Brad Templeton, julie c andrijeski, John Joseph
Moderator: julie c andrijeski
Description: How has the war on terror been reflected in onscreen SF?
Do those aliens represent al-Qaeda or us? Does SF provide a means to
discuss these matters indirectly?
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Media
AV/Internet request: None
When: Fri 10:00
Location: P-518A
Title: When did SF Conquer the Mainstream?
Session ID: 483
All Participants: Daryl Gregory, Fred Lerner, Julie McGalliard, Kathy
Morrow, John Joseph Adams
Moderator: Julie McGalliard
Description: Once upon a time, very little science fiction was to be
found that didn’t appear either as a novel of ideas with a dash of
action (Wells, Rosny) or a juvenile yarn with a dash of ideas (Verne,
E. E. Smith). Today, science fiction runs the entire gamut from the
pulpish to the mainstream (Chabon, McCarthy) and ideas may be served
up wholesale in many other media.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Literature in English
AV/Internet request: None
When: Fri 14:00
Location: P-Autographs
Title: John Joseph Adams Signing
Session ID: 1232
All Participants: John Joseph Adams
Moderator: <Not Available>
Description: John Joseph Adams Signing
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Autographs
AV/Internet request: None
When: Fri 21:00
Location: P-513B
Title: Vampire Rules–and How to Recognize Them Without a Mirror
Session ID: 724
All Participants: Inanna Arthen, Jennifer Williams, Karen Dales,
Victoria Janssen, John Joseph Adams
Moderator: Victoria Janssen
Description: Are there vampire rules that writers MUST follow? Some
experts and enthusiasts discuss vampires, including eastern vs western
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Creative Writing
AV/Internet request: None
When: Sat 15:30
Location: P-513A
Title: “Our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is over.”
Session ID: 631
All Participants: Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Kij Johnson, John Joseph
Adams, Liz Gorinsky
Moderator: Kij Johnson
Description: That was The Onion’s headline when George W. Bush took
office, and, in many respects, it was an accurate piece of SF-nal
prediction. What use has sf made of the George W. Bush presidency, and
the War on Terror in particular?
Duration: 1:30 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Literature in English
AV/Internet request: None
When: Sun 14:00
Location: P-516E
Title: From A to Zombies
Session ID: 862
All Participants: Eric Gauthier, Adeline Lamarre, John Joseph Adams
Moderator: Eric Gauthier
Description: Lend us your brains — we’ll find out why zombies are so
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: Bilingual
Track: Teen Programming
AV/Internet request: None
When: Sun 22:00
Location: P-511CF
Title: The Living Dead
Session ID: 393
All Participants: Jason Bourget, Jeanne Cavelos, Seanan McGuire, John
Joseph Adams
Moderator: Jeanne Cavelos
Description: Forty years after George Romero gave us “Night of the
Living Dead,” his zombies still walk among us in remakes, new films
from Romero himself, and astonishing recent movies from others ranging
from “Shaun of the Dead” to “28 Weeks Later.” Why is this SF/horror
subgenre so enduring? What are its classics and which are merely the
walking dead?
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Media
AV/Internet request: None
When: Mon 9:00
Location: Outdoors
Title: Stroll With The Stars – Monday
Session ID: 7
All Participants: Lawrence M. Schoen, Stephen H. Segal, Stu Segal,
Frank Wu, John Joseph Adams
Moderator: Stu Segal
Description: A gentle, friendly 1 mile stroll with some of your
favorite Authors, Artists & Editors. Leaving daily 9AM, from the
Riopelle Fountain outside the Palais (corner of Ave Viger & Rue de
Bleury), returning before 10AM.
Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: The Light Programme
AV/Internet request: None